Two Effective Drugs that Prevent Blood Clots, Heart Attack and Stroke

Blood is an important liquid that flows insider our body. It is in constant motion, with the heart pumping blood through the blood vessels. It then goes to the various organs and cells. But there are times when the blood vessels are injured. To repair the injured blood vessels, the body resorts to blood clotting.

Blood clots can be both advantageous and disadvantageous to the body. If you happen to cut yourself, you will notice how the blood clots and in the process avoid blood loss. But blood clotting can also result to serious conditions like stroke and heart attack.

Blood clots that can trigger heart attack and stroke are likely in people who are obese and suffer from cancer, liver or kidney disease. People who have had a recent injury are also prone to suffering from it. Certain situations also increase the risks of blood clot, like during and after pregnancy. Having a long bed rest can also increase the chances, as well as dehydration or using an intravenous catheter.

Signs You Have Dangerous Blood Clots

HeartAttackHow would one know that he is suffering from blood clots? Certain symptoms like swelling, warmth, pain and redness in the legs or arms are noticeable. When blood fails to get to an area of the body, one would notice pain due to the loss of blood supply and oxygen deprivation. There are also instances when one would experience weakness and loss of sensation in the arm or legs. Of course, two major symptoms are stroke and heart attack which are both potentially fatal and debilitating.

When one suffers from stroke, he or she may suddenly lose the ability to speak. The sufferer may also have memory problems. Worst, the person may have one side of his body paralyzed. Heart attack is deadly, being one of the top killers in the United States.

But how can one prevent blood clots from occurring?

Certain medications are given to patients who are at risk of getting blood clotting. One of these medications is Pradaxa, a prescription drug and oral anticoagulant. This is available as a capsule.  In order to prevent blood clots, the medicine makes the blood thinner thus lessening the chances that it will coagulate.

Users of Pradaxa should be warned that the drug has potential side effects. Those who take the drug may experience unusual bleeding, abnormal urine or stools and easy bruising. It can also cause a person to experience weakness and pain as well as joint pain, swelling, stomach pain, indigestions and diarrhea.

Plavix is another effective drug to prevent blog clots and its risk factors of heart attack and stroke. It is an anti-platelet drug which means that it prevents platelets from clumping together and forming It is available in tablet form, one at 75mg and the other higher dosage of 300mg. This prescription drug is taken once a day by people who have had previous stroke or are at risk of heart attack.

Blot clots can put people’s lives in danger. By taking Plavix and Pradaxa, people can limit the possibility of blood clotting and eventually avoid heart attack and stroke.

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