Treatment Options for Depression

Mental disorders are the causes of depressions. The depth of the depression varies according to the form of mental disorders. Lack of treatment at the required time may lead to suicide. Something has to be done before it gets severe. Different methods are used for the depression treatment. Each method is different from one another. Some may be costly and some you may get it without much cost. Various treatment options for the depression are Medications, Psychotherapy, Electroconvulsive therapy and Self help treatment. Anti depressants such as Abilify is also very effective.

Out of this, medication method is costly but effective. Psychotherapy is an effective method and is generally a very costly treatment. Self helping and seeking help from others are normally cost free treatment methods. One of these methods would certainly be helpful for those suffering from such disorders.


Medications_TrueMedCostMost of the people are choosing medication treatment for depression as it is readily available in the market and the result can be seen within a short time. It is like an instant effect. Abilify is the most preferred among them. The drugs used for the treatment involves chemicals which are harmful to our body and sometimes the patient may get addicted to these drugs. There is a good chance that these patients may be under the addiction of this drug in less than no time. This may lead to damage, destruction and malfunction of the various organs in the body. At the same time this treatment is very expensive.


woman by the psychologist It is an effective treatment in the field of depression. The main advantage of Pshychotheraphy over medication treatment is that, it does not involve any side effects. It is a treatment that involves the patient’s nature, behavior and emotions. Other things like the family and friends group which the patient is related to is also analyzed so that the doctor can understand who and all are related to the patient’s cause of disorder. The therapist develops a good relation with the patient. Only then will such a treatment be effective. The cost depends on the accuracy of the specialist. In case you opt for a good specialist you may have to pay some extra money.

Electroconvulsive Therapy

Electroconvulsive-Therapy_TrueMedCostThis treatment is given to the patient only when he or she does not respond to any other treatment. It is also suggestive to the patients of high suicidal tendency and the patients who are severely hit by the depression tendencies. It is the process of transforming electric current through the patient’s body. It is the fastest way to get cured of depression among all the treatment options that are available. ECT or Electroconvulsive therapy is also used in the treatment of medication and psychotheraphy under psychiatrist’s care and administration.

Seek Professional Help

Seek-Professional-Help_TrueMedCostNew methods are introduced and which comes under the category of experimental therapies. The type of treatment should be chosen according to the level of mental disorders to get rid of the depression completely. Professional help to be sought would be the best option.

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