Remicade Price

Muscular dystrophy conditions are usually treated with clinically applied Remicade to protect against the breakdown of the skeletal muscle. It is an anti-inflammatory agent that specifically reduces or intervenes with the inflammatory effects of substances that enter the body. Generically known as Infliximab, it helps blood clotting by lowering the blood cells that fight infections and has been used regularly when other medications proved ineffective. In children, this protein blocks the action of tumor necrosis factor (TNF), a condition that develops when there is excessive production of blood cells. An increased TNF causes inflammation.

The medical conditions that use this drug include:

  • Crohn’s disease – an inflammation of the bowels that affect the gastrointestinal tract, including the anus and mouth, causing diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain and loss of weight);
  • pediatric Crohn’s disease – Crohn’s disease which affect children from 6 years of age and older;
  • ankylosing spondylitis – a chronic inflammation of the axial skeleton involving peripheral joints and bone structures of non-articular nature and almost exclusively affects spinal joints and the pelvic sacroiliac joint;
  • ulcerative colitis – a disease of the large intestine, or colon, characterized by open sores or ulcers that involves frequent diarrhea with blood in the stool;
  • pediatric ulcerative colitis – ulcerative colitis which affect children from 6 years of age and older;
  • plaque psoriasis – generally a lifetime health condition without any known cure as of date wherein the body’s immune system overproduces new skin cells because of its mistaken identification of healthy skin cells as pathogens, accumulating into white, scaly patches that appear on the topmost layer of the skin (epidermis);
  • rheumatoid arthritis – a painful and disabling condition considered an autoimmune disease wherein systemic and disorder inflammation attacks the synovial, or flexible, joints of the body, as well as bodily organs and tissues chronically; and
  • psoriatic arthritis – a kind of inflammatory arthritis that tends to develop in those who already have an existing condition of chronic psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis.

How Remicade Works

There is no generic option or alternative medication for Remicade as of this date. Approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1998, Remicade was formulated from antibodies found in both humans and mice, the ratio of biological proteins being 75% from human and 25% from mice sources. It has been called the “designer” anti-body, a ground-breaking medication designed to target TNF only.

Remicade Cost Information

When it comes to Remicade price, a vial of Remicade can cost between $750 and $915, while an intravenous (IV) infusion would cost between $320 and $330. Also, the overall treatment price will be determined by how many vials are used and the length of time an infusion is completed. Dosage is also dependent on the patient’s age, existing medical condition, weight and treatment response.

Price Without Insurance

CVS Pharmacy

100mg3 Vials$2,577.55
100mg6 Vials$5,303.33
100mg9 Vials$7,769.95


100mg3 Vials$2,624.33
100mg6 Vials$5,242.67
100mg9 Vials$7,865.00


100mg3 Vials$2,595.40
100mg6 Vials$5,302.82
100mg9 Vials$7,951.60


100mg3 Vials$2,594.70
100mg6 Vials$5,182.60
100mg9 Vials$7,770.50

Rite Aid

100mg3 Vials$2,646.05
100mg6 Vials$5,285.10
100mg9 Vials$7,924.15


100mg3 Vials$2,607.33
100mg6 Vials$5,207.41
100mg9 Vials$7,770.45


100mg3 Vials$2,642.19
100mg6 Vials$5,275.82
100mg9 Vials$7,909.57


100mg3 Vials$5,277.55
100mg6 Vials$5,150.11
100mg9 Vials$7,725.66

For instance, the average person who weighs around 70 kilograms (or 154 pounds) would require a dosage of 350mg, with a dosage of 5mg per weight kilogram of the patient, administered by IV infusion over a two-hour period. Although payment conditions vary from one insurance company to another, insurance carriers usually cover all costs or subsidize some of the incurred expenses for treatment with Remicade with pre-authorization.

Precautions Against Combining Remicade with Other Medications

By itself, Remicade has proven to be effective against the above mentioned medical conditions. Because autoimmune diseases have no known specific cures, Remicade was created to alleviate intensive pain experienced by patients suffering from autoimmune diseases. However, Remicade treatments increase the chances of acquiring infections and they could prove to be life-threatening when administered to patients who have existing serious infections. For instance, a patient who has tuberculosis cannot take Remicade, as well as those who already have lung infections. Also, combining it with the following other medications is not advised, because of potential complications:remicade

  • Tocilizumab – primarily used to treat cases of moderate to extreme rheumatoid arthritis, it could become the cause of increased infection risk and suppression of immune system functions when combined with Remicade and other Disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs);
  • Anakinra – used singularly in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and other diseases of autoimmune nature, it is a man-made biologic medicine similar to proteins which are naturally produced by the body.
  • Abatacept – is another man made (biologic) drug designed to treat the inflammatory symptoms of arthritis like swelling, chronic pain and joint stiffness.
  • Methotexate (MTX) and other Simultaneous (Concommitant) Medications – MTX is both anti-folate and anti-metabolite and used primarily for cancer, ectopic pregnancy and autoimmune disease treatments and to induce medical abortions.

Adverse Reactions

In December 2004, a rare form of deadly liver failure was reported as a side effect of a Remicade treatment. Patients who intend to undergo treatment using this drug should consult with a doctor and be well informed about the realities of its side effects, including but not limited to:

  • Extreme fatigue;
  • Flu-like symptoms such as pain, warmth and red coloration in the skin and fever;
  • Hypertension;
  • Skin rashes and pruritus;
  • Headaches;
  • Upper respiratory tract infections such as sinusitis, bronchitis, coughing and pharyngitis;
  • Gastrointestinal conditions such as diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain and dyspepsia;
  • Urinary tract infection (UTI);
  • Arthralgia (joint pain caused by infection, illness, injury or allergies to medication); and
  • Moniliasis, another term for candidiasis or yeast infection.

Patient information literature or medication guides sometimes do not mention specific purposes of prescribed medications. Even if you have been duly prescribed Remicade as a medication, inform of your doctor of any side effects which you might experience while on this treatment. Consulting the pharmacist each time you are due for a refill of Remicade is advised. Using Remicade for existing inflammatory conditions for which it has not been prescribed accordingly by your doctor is not advised.

Check out the Internet to get more information about Remicade price. If you are required to take this drug, then knowing where to get the lowest possible Remicade cost will greatly help.

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