Prostate Gland Enlargement: How It Affects Your Life and How You Can Treat It

As you get older, your body starts to break down. It is not surprising then that older people are more susceptible to diseases. Older men, for example, are prone to a condition called prostate gland enlargement or benign prostatic hyperplasia. When left untreated, this condition can cause complications like kidney, bladder and urinary tract problems.


Prostate gland enlargement has symptoms that may vary among men. These symptoms however become more serious when there is no treatment being undertaken to correct the ailment. One of the more common symptoms of this condition is a weak urine stream or difficulty in starting urination. There is also an urgent need to urinate among men who have this condition.  Likewise, nocturia or increased frequency of urination at night occurs. Other symptoms of prostate gland enlargement are reduced kidney function, stone formation in the bladder, urinary tract infection and inability to completely empty the bladder.

What’s bothersome about these symptoms is that 1 out of 2 men with prostate gland enlargement experience noticeable symptoms enough for them to see a doctor. There are also some men who don’t even have an idea that they have this condition. However, some guys are fortunate enough for their symptoms to eventually disappear and even improve as time passes by. It should be noted that the prostate size is not directly proportional to the severity of the symptoms. This means that men with enlarged prostate glands don’t automatically experience significant symptoms. The same goes for guys with slightly enlarged prostate glands, as they can experience minor urinary symptoms despite the size of the prostates.

When to Seek Medical Help

prostateIf you are having any of the above mentioned urinary problems, you have to see a doctor who can check if the symptoms you are experiencing are related to an enlarged prostate. The physician can give you tests to determine if you have enlarged prostate, and prescribe a treatment method. If you are unable to urinate at all, then you should really seek medical attention as soon as possible.


Prostate gland enlargement can be treated in different ways. Doctors will consider different factors like the prostate size, symptoms and health problems of the patient in deciding the best cure. Treatments for this disorder include prescription drugs, surgery and lifestyle changes. One of the more commonly prescribed medications for prostate enlargement is Propecia. This drug blocks the production of the male hormone called DHT that is associated with prostate gland enlargement.  When the drug is successful in blocking the effects of the DHT hormone, the outcome includes the reduction of the prostate size and improvement of the symptoms.

Propecia should be taken once a day. It can take up to half a year before the symptoms of prostate enlargement show improvement. There are risks in taking this medication, however, such as reduced semen amount, erectile dysfunction and loss of libido. Aside from prescription drug, treatment of enlarged prostates include lifestyle changes like avoiding liquids an hour or two before going to bed; limiting consumption of alcohol and caffeine, and regular exercise.

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