The New Wonder Drug for Effective Chronic Pain Relief

Nucynta is a new drug that can effectively give relief to those who are suffering from moderate to severe chronic pain. It is generally classified as an opioid, or a narcotic. Since people have unique tolerance to drugs and medications, the dosing of Nucynta should be adjusted for the particular condition of each patient.

Relief from Neuropathic Pain

Nucynta is the first US FDA approved drug for treating neuropathic pain associated with DPN. This is in addition to its use for the management and control of moderate to severe chronic pain in adults when a continuous, around the clock pain treatment is required for a prescribed length of time.

Chronic Pain Relief-TrueMedCostFor neuropathic pain associated with diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN), Nucynta extended-release tablets can now be used as an effective treatment therapy. Diabetes sufferers in the United States are now nearing 26 million people. Approximately 60 to 70 per cent of this people are suffering from some form of neuropathy, the most common of which is DPN. Patients with this condition usually can experience either pain or loss of feeling in their hands, arms, legs, feet and toes. In the United States, about 8 million people are afflicted with DPN.

The pain associated with DPN is often difficult to manage. That is why medical providers and healthcare professionals are constantly on the lookout for alternative mode of treatments. Nucynta, therefore, is a welcome option for DPN management, and it has a great potential as an effective alternative therapy for this condition.

Factors in Selecting the First Doses of Nucynta

When taking Nucynta for the first time, you should consider the following factors to ensure the success of the treatment. You should consider the following factors when choosing the initial dose of Nucynta.

  • You must take into account the total dose, the potency and the specific characteristics of the previous pain treatment that you have taken.
  • Your opioid degree of tolerance.
  • The correctness of the relative potency estimate that was used to calculate the equivalent morphine sulfate dose required.
  • Your present pain medications.
  • Your general physical and mental condition.
  • The degree or level of the pain you are currently suffering.

Additional Considerations That Must Enter In Your Dosage Calculation

Since you are suffering from chronic pain, the right estimate for your dosage should be comprised of a series of clinical decisions over time in the management of the pain. Continual re-evaluation of your reactions to Nucynta is very important. Your medical provider should give special attention to the management of your pain and the relative side effects resulting from the treatment therapy being used.

There should be frequent interaction between you and your physician and the other members of your healthcare team, as well as your family during the periods when changes in your drug dosages is being implemented. It is very important that you are constantly monitored as per the reactions of your respiratory or central nervous systems.

Starting Nucynta Therapy

The usual doses of Nucynta can range from 50 mg to 100 mg administered every 4 to 6 hours depending on the degree of pain that you are experiencing. It can be taken with or without food.

On your first day of therapy, your second dose can be administered after one hour of the first dose, especially if you have not experienced any pain relief with your first dose. The following doses can be 50 mg, 75 mg or 100 mg every 4 to 6 hours. These doses should be adjusted to maintain the optimum analgesic property with minimum adverse side effects.

Doses of more than 700 mg on the first day, and 600 mg on subsequent days should be avoided since there are no clinical studies yet proving whether these levels are safe or not.

When Nucynta is Not Recommended

There are certain medical conditions where the administration of Nucynta is not recommended.

  • If you are suffering from severe renal impairment, it is not advisable for you to take this drug. However, if your renal impairment is just mild, there is no need for you to adjust your Nucynta dosage.
  • If you have hepatic impairment, you are also advised to stay away from Nucynta. The safety and efficacy of Nucynta has not yet been studied for this medical condition.

But if your hepatic impairment is only moderate, you can initiate your Nucynta treatment with 50 mg, but only once in every 8 hours and a maximum of three doses per day only. If adverse side effects appear, tolerability could be improved by either shortening or lengthening the period of drug administration.

There are other medical conditions where Nucynta is contraindicated.

  • Those with acute or severe bronchial asthma, especially those who are unmonitored and those who have no access to resuscitative equipment.
  • Patients with hypersensitivity.
  • Those who are suffering from acute respiratory depression.
  • Patients who are taking monoamine oxidase inhibitors or those who have taken them within the last 14 days. There is danger of additive effects on norepinephrine levels in adverse cardiovascular events.

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