Lovenox Price

Lovenox is a prescription drug for treatment and prevention of blood clots. It may also be given to people who just had a heart attack, or suffering from chest pains. This injectable drug is administered under the skin once a day. Its generic name is enoxaparin sodium and it is manufactured by Sanofi-Aventis, US. This drug is specifically approved for treatment and prevention of blood clots in the veins,

or deep vein thrombosis (DVT) which usually occurs in the legs or hips. Lovenox is prescribed to people with DVT blood clots who are undergoing stomach surgery, hip replacement and knee replacement surgery, as well as those who are at risk of clots due to immobility.

Lovenox Cost Information

The price of Lovenox varies depending on factors like the store selling it and the use of discount codes.  A pack containing syringes of 40mg/.04ml of Lovenox may be priced anywhere from $179 to $185. The buyer can get it at a lower price if he or she could present discount codes accepted by online pharmacies.

Price Without Insurance

CVS Pharmacy

30mg/0.3ml1 syrings$36.61
30mg/0.3ml3 syrings$86.01
30mg/0.3ml5 syrings$139.34


30mg/0.3ml1 syrings$29.79
30mg/0.3ml3 syrings$84.37
30mg/0.3ml5 syrings$138.94


30mg/0.3ml1 syrings$29.79
30mg/0.3ml3 syrings$84.37
30mg/0.3ml5 syrings$138.94


30mg/0.3ml1 syrings$29.79
30mg/0.3ml3 syrings$84.37
30mg/0.3ml5 syrings$138.94

Rite Aid

30mg/0.3ml1 syrings$29.78
30mg/0.3ml3 syrings$84.38
30mg/0.3ml5 syrings$138.95


30mg/0.3ml1 syrings$29.79
30mg/0.3ml3 syrings$84.37
30mg/0.3ml5 syrings$138.94


30mg/0.3ml1 syrings$33.41
30mg/0.3ml3 syrings$89.23
30mg/0.3ml5 syrings$140.89


30mg/0.3ml1 syrings$32.67
30mg/0.3ml3 syrings$86.01
30mg/0.3ml5 syrings$139.34

Short-Term Side Effects

Lovenox-TrueMedCostThe use of Lovenox can cause side effects especially for first-time users. However there’s a good chance that these side effects will disappear once the body gets accustomed to the drug. Commonly reported side effects of the drug are bleeding, fever, anemia, and fluid retention in the lower limbs. There’s also a good chance that the user will experience bleeding at the injection site, nausea, and notice blood in his or her urine.

Long-Term Side Effects

The chronic use of Lovenox can result to long-term side effects. The patient should seek medical help if these side effects worsen or persist: chest pain, fainting, rapid or unusual heartbeat, and inability to move the hands or feet. Other serious long term side effects of this drug are sudden back pain, signs of bleeding like nosebleeds and bleeding gums, and sudden change or loss of vision.

How It Works

Lovenox is a low molecular weight heparin medication and is part of a group of drugs called anticoagulants grantithrombotic agents. It reduces the ability of the blood to clot by connecting and accelerating the activity of an enzyme called antithrombin III.  The said enzyme prevents two clotting factors- factor Xa and lla, effectively inhibiting their activity and thereby reducing clotting formation in the blood vessels.  It should be noted that Lovenox does not break down blood clots, but only slows down the formation of clots. The body itself neutralizes these clots.

Drug Interactions

Lovenox could interact with drugs like dextran, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen and ketorolac. It may also interact with oral anticoagulants like warfarin, platelet inhibitors like clopidogrel, and thrombolytic agents like alteplase and urokinase. These drugs, when taken alongside Lovenox, could result to side effects or decrease the effectiveness of Lovenox.

Generic Alternatives

The brand name Lovenox is manufactured by Sanofi-Aventis, US but there are other generic versions available in the market. These generic Lovenox are made by manufacturers like Watson Pharma, Amphastar Pharmaceuticals and Sandoz.

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