What are IUDs?

An IUD (intrauterine device) is a birth control device shaped like the letter T, and contains hormones or encased in copper. Once it is inserted in your uterus, a string is fastened to its end so it hangs down from the cervix into your vagina. By feeling the string you can determine if the device is still in place.


How Effective are IUDs?

iUDs_TrueMedCostThey are very effective, because when using hormonal IUDs, only about 2 in 1,000 females become pregnant during the first year, and those who use copper IUDs only 6 out of 1,000 become impregnated. In fact those pregnancy cases occur because the IUD has been pushed off the uterus accidentally.


There are two kinds of IUDs, hormonal and copper. Hormonal IUDs produce levonorgestrel, a type of hormone progestin, and is good for a minimum of five years, and based on studies they seem more effective than copper IUDs when it comes to preventing pregnancies. Copper IUDs on the other hand, use copper wires to wound the device’s stem and is good for several years as well.

How IUDs Work

Both IUD types work by preventing egg fertilization either by killing or damaging the sperm, and both devices also influence the uterine lining where the egg is supposed to grow. In the case of hormonal IUDs, pregnancy is prevented by turning the cervix mucus sticky, thereby preventing the sperm from reaching the uterus. At the same time, the device keeps the uterus lining from thickening and helps prevent cramping while reducing menstrual bleeding.

Copper IUDs are also effective because they kill sperm; to be specific copper IUDs stimulates the uterus so it produces a fluid that is toxic to sperm. Whichever type of IUD you decide to use, the device can be inserted by a doctor anytime provided you are not pregnant. The insertion only takes a few minutes, and afterwards your doctor will ask you to feel the string so you understand what it should feel like. Insertion is easier with those who had vaginal childbirth, but that doesn’t mean it won’t work in other cases.

Treatment Options

Because hormonal IUDs have proven to be more efficient they are now preferred by most women, and one such option is Skyla, an IUD that releases hormones and 99% effective in preventing pregnancy for three years. With Skyla you don’t have to take any more pills, and because it is made of soft plastic, doesn’t cause any discomfort and can be taken out anytime you want.

Skyla has been approved by the FDA, and you can use it whether you have had a child or not. This IUD, which you can obtain with prescription only, makes your cervical mucus thicker, blocking the movement of sperm. Add to that the fact that your uterus lining is slimmed down, and pregnancy can be avoided. The IUD is inserted in your uterus so you won’t feel anything and neither will your partner when you have sex, but for Skyla to be effective it must be inserted properly, so make sure that it is secure.

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