Gonorrhea – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Gonorrhea, commonly called drip, is a medical condition usually transmitted via sexual contact with someone who is infected. Both men and women can contract this disease, and pregnant women can infect their newborn, as the condition is passed on via bodily fluids. This disease is quite common, as the CDC states that nearly 700,000 cases are reported every year.

The CDC also reports that sexually active teens are among the most frequently affected. The disease is due to the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhea, which multiplies rapidly in the body’s membranes, including the moist areas of the body like urethra, fallopian tubes, uterus and the cervix. It is also possible for the bacterium to thrive in the anus, throat and mouth.


gonorrhea-TrueMedCostNot everyone who has gonorrhea exhibit symptoms, so they don’t seek treatment, and often when the signs do appear it is 2 to 10 days after being infected. However, there are gonorrhea symptoms that do not manifest until a month after being exposed. Among the most common symptoms for women are a whitish, greenish or yellowish vaginal discharge, burning feeling when urinating, bleeding in-between periods and conjunctivitis. Other symptoms are vulvitis (vulva swelling) and spotting after sex. Women who contract gonorrhea via oral sex may also feel a burning sensation in the throat or swelling.

The symptoms in men are similar in a way. There is a discharge (white, green or yellow) from the penis, a burning sensation when urinating, swelling of the testicles, and in the case of infection due to oral sex, swelling of the throat glands or burning. If you experience any of these symptoms you should see your health provider immediately and get treatment. It is advisable you and your partner are treated at the same time to prevent recurrence of the infection.

Treatment Options

There are several kinds of treatments for gonorrhea available, and they come in injectable form or as oral antibiotic. Regardless of the treatment you are prescribed, complete the dosage even if you are feeling better, as there might be traces left in your body. If you don’t complete the treatment, your gonorrhea may return and become harder to treat. One of the most commonly prescribed treatments is Ceftriaxone injection, a medication that belongs to the cephalosporin antibiotics class. This injection is not only used to treat gonorrhea but also other bacterial infections of the joints, abdomen, bones,blood, meningitis and pelvic inflammatory disease.

In addition, Ceftriaxone injection is sometimes administered prior to surgery to prevent infection. Ceftriaxone is available in liquid form and is injected intramuscularly or intravenously, either one dosage per day or twice daily for up to two weeks. This drug can be administered at home or at the doctor’s office. For the medication to work, you must follow the dosage suggested by your doctor, and within a few days you will begin to feel better. The importance of following the dosage cannot be overstated as skipping will reduce its efficiency and might make things worse, as the bacteria will become resistant to the drug.

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