Fight Cancer With These Drugs

The Big C, cancer, is perhaps the most dreaded disease in the world. When one hears the word cancer, he or she often thinks that the disease results to certain death. This thinking is not without any reason. After all, millions of people in history have succumbed to this ailment. This is not to count the millions more who are suffering from cancer, as well as their loved ones who are often in the state of hopelessness.

How scary is cancer? Let’s just say that approximately 13% of deaths worldwide are caused by various cancer types.  The disease does not select its sufferers- old and young alike can be afflicted with cancer. Of course, age can increase the risk of a person getting this condition.

Breast Cancer Drug

Fight_CancerThere are more than 200 types of cancer known to man. Breast cancer and thyroid are two of the most common cancer forms.

Breast cancer is often mistaken as one that afflicts women. The truth is that even men can get this cancer type.  It is said that nearly 2 out of 10 cancer deaths are due to breast cancer. Experts are divided on the exact cause of this cancer type. Some say that it is due to age. Others say it is caused by genetics, obesity and radiation exposure. Whatever the cause maybe, it cannot be denied that breast cancer is a real threat.

How would one know that he or she has breast cancer? The most common symptom of this ailment is a lump in a breast. Those who have been found with this disease also reported to have rashes In the nipples, lump in the armpits, and pain in the armpits or breast.

Breast cancer can be treated with Herceptin. A monoclonal antibody, Herceptin works by attaching to the cancer cells and preventing them from dividing and growing. It can also destroy the cancer cells or signal to the immune system to fight off the cancer cells.

This drug is given intravenously once a week or every three weeks, depending on the directions given by the doctor. The first infusion of a patient should be over in an hour and a half. Dosage, speed of injection and the amount of time in receiving the medication will depend on the condition and body weight of the patient. Herceptin can cause side effects like diarrhea, back pain, stomach pain, redness or irritation at the area where the drug was injected, and loss of appetite.

Thyroid Cancer Drug

Another common type of cancer is thyroid cancer.  This cancer is characterized by an enlarged lymph node. Advanced stages of the disease have symptoms like pain in the neck and changes in the voice of the patient.

Although thyroid cancer can be cured by the surgical removal of the thyroid gland, the ailment can also be managed by Synthroid.  This drug reduces the amount of thyroid stimulating hormone in the body.  Synthroid is taken by the mouth once a day on an empty stomach, or an hour before breakfast.  The most common side effect of this drug is hair loss, which lasts for several months or until the body has adjusted to the medication.

Cancer may be a big monster that scares most of us, but with the help of certain medications like Synthroid and Herceptin, that big bad monster can still be beaten.

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