Epipen Price

Epipen is a prescription drug for treatment of life-threatening allergic reactions to foods, drugs, insect bites, and other substances. This is injectable drug has the generic name Epinephrine. It quickly acts to lessen the symptoms of allergic reactions like inflammation of the face, lips, and throat, and reverses hives. It also improves breathing and stimulates the heart. Epipen is injected into the outer thigh.

It should never be injected on certain parts of the body like the buttocks, fingers, hands, feet or veins. This drug should be used with caution by people who have heart disease, or taking medications that can cause cardiac symptoms.  This drug is designed for self-administration, meaning it does not require a medical practitioner to administer Epipen to a person experiencing serious allergic reactions.

Epipen Cost Information

Epipen is sold in kits that come with two pens containing .3 mg of Epinephrine. The price of the kits vary from as low as $319 to as much as $330. However, buyers who can present the manufacturer’s coupon can avail themselves of as much as $100 discount on one Epipen kit.

Price Without Insurance

CVS Pharmacy

2 pens of 0.3mg1 syrings$329.15
2 pens of 0.3mg3 syrings$974.96
2 pens of 0.3mg5 syrings$1,592.40


2 pens of 0.3mg1 syrings$329.95
2 pens of 0.3mg3 syrings$925.67
2 pens of 0.3mg5 syrings$1,370.92


2 pens of 0.3mg1 syrings$330.40
2 pens of 0.3mg3 syrings$808.25
2 pens of 0.3mg5 syrings$1,657.76


2 pens of 0.3mg1 syrings$332.95
2 pens of 0.3mg3 syrings$996.76
2 pens of 0.3mg5 syrings$1,657.76

Rite Aid

2 pens of 0.3mg1 syrings$332.95
2 pens of 0.3mg3 syrings$1,006.01
2 pens of 0.3mg5 syrings$2,005.00


2 pens of 0.3mg1 syrings$318.00
2 pens of 0.3mg3 syrings$926.48
2 pens of 0.3mg5 syrings$1,585.20


2 pens of 0.3mg1 syrings$336.50
2 pens of 0.3mg3 syrings$994.35
2 pens of 0.3mg5 syrings$1,800.00


2 pens of 0.3mg1 syrings$325.99
2 pens of 0.3mg3 syrings$973.97
2 pens of 0.3mg5 syrings$1,574.27

Short-Term Side Effects

Epipen-TrueMedCostEpipen can result to short-term side effects which could persist until the body has grown accustomed to the medication. Some of the more commonly reported side effects of this injection drug are pain, swelling, and stinging sensation at the injection site, arm, back or jaw pain, and decreased touch sensation. Other users also complain of blurred vision, chest discomfort, chest tightness, dizziness, fainting and fast heartbeat.

Long-Term Side Effects

The chronic use of Epipen may also cause long-term side effects, which should be reported in the event these side effects worsen or persist. These long-term side effects are nervousness, irregular heartbeat, chronic dizziness, chronic headaches and paleness of the skin. Others also complain of restlessness, sweating, shortness of breath, shakiness in the legs and feet. Some even suffer from stroke.

How It Works

Epipen is part of a group of medications referred to as sympathomimetics. These are drugs that release chemicals which resemble those found in our bodies, and which are released during tense situations. These chemicals are emitted by the body when we are scared, angry, or anxious. Epipen reverses the effects of serious allergic reactions to insect bites, food, drugs and other allergens. It also raises blood pressure, improves breathing and stimulates the heart to counter the adverse effects of allergic reaction on the body.

Drug Interactions

Numerous drugs could interact with Epipen, preventing it from becoming fully effective or increasing the risks of side effects. These drugs range from beta-blockers, inhaled anesthetics, pehnothiazines, ergot alkaloids, diuretics, cocaine, antihistamines, and MAO inhibitors like phenelzine and moclobemide. It may also interact with isoproternol, levothyroxine, digoxin and formoterol.

Generic Alternatives

If Epipen causes numerous side effects or the use of it becomes troublesome to a patient, a doctor may recommend other medications like antihistamines such as Benadryl and Chlor-Trimeton. Antihistamines are over-the-counter drugs. Leukotriene modifiers may also be considered as an alternative to Epipen.

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