Drugs That Can Help You Satisfy Your Partner In the Bedroom

As adults, it is important to most of us to have a pleasurable time in the bedroom. We want to satisfy our partner’s sexual needs. We want to please our wives or girlfriends and make them ask for more. But there will always be times when men fail to meet the demands of their women. Several factors can come into play and affect the performance of men in the bedroom.

Factors That Affect Sexual Performance

Sexual_performanceStress is one of the more common culprits of decreased sexual performance among guys. Men who are overworked and over stressed don’t have the energy anymore to make love with their partners. Office work usually leaves men lethargic in bed. Some men don’t even think of sex anymore because of the fatigue and stress they have due to work.

Age is another cause of poor sexual performance. When men go up in age, their sexual desire also diminishes.  Men who are in their 60s no longer have the appetite for sex that they once had when they were in their 20s or 30s.

Poor sexual performance or decreased sexual appetite can also be attributed to one’s lifestyle. Guys who drink too much alcohol would be surprised to find out that there are times when they can’t maintain an erection. The same goes for men who don’t exercise regularly.

Drugs That Help Improve Sexual Performance

Lack of sexual desire and poor performance in bed can be addressed by certain drugs like Viagra, Cialis and Levitra.  Men who don’t want to be embarrassed the next time they have an intimate moment with their partners can turn to these drugs. Viagra, Cialis and Levitra have the same effects on men- these over-the-counter medications can boost the amount of blood that goes to the penis, making the reproductive organ erect for longer periods of time. With sustained erection, men are more confident and capable of providing pleasure to their partners.

With the generic name of Sildenafil, Viagra is taken at least 30 minutes before sexual activity.  It is taken orally. Eating a high-fat meal may delay the effects of the drug. Users are advised not to take Viagra four hours before sexual activity. The erection caused by this drug can last up to four hours.  However, users are warned against the side effects of Viagra like headache, dizziness, upset stomach and flushing. Those who take the drug may also experience sensitivity to light and blurred vision.

Cialis is another medication that guys can take if they want to become a beast in bed. It is taken an hour before a sexual activity. The erection caused by this drug can last for 36 hours, enough for a man to last multiple rounds with his partner. But in exchange of that are some side effects such as upset stomach, headache, stuffy nose, back pain and muscle pain.

Finally, there’s Levitra. It is also taken orally an hour before sexual intercourse. Like Viagra, the erection caused by this drug can last for five hours. But still, there are chances that side effects like headache, flushing, dizziness and blurred vision may occur afterwards.

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