Coumadin Price

Known by its generic name Warfarin, Coumadin is an anticoagulant, the main purpose of which is the prevention of blood clots, also referred to by the medical term “thrombosis.” As such, it is a rather well-known prescription drug of choice when it comes to the prevention of common cardiovascular diseases which include strokes, heart attacks, and other irregularities concerning the heart, given its reputation as a “blood thinner.”

It is also used as a post-heart attack reactionary drug to avoid yet another one. Coumadin usually comes in 5mg tablets and dosage would widely vary among patients depending on what they require. Dosage is also made complicated by the many known interactions that this drug has with various food substances as well as other drugs. Many factors are usually taken into consideration when it comes to dosage. As such, it would be best to just consult your doctor. 

Coumadin Cost Information

Usually sold in 5mg tablets with bottles containing 50 each, a Coumadin tablet would usually fall below the USD0.50 price range, with the cost for each tablet dropping a few centavos when bought in larger bottles. A typical 50-tablet bottle would cost around USD25, which may vary depending on location. 1mg and 2mg tablets are also available and come in different colors, but these ones are considered to be rare.

Price Without Insurance

CVS Pharmacy

1mg30 tablets$50.19
2mg30 tablets$52.66
3mg30 tablets$64.00
5mg30 tablets$64.00


1mg30 tablets$47.99
2mg30 tablets$49.96
3mg30 tablets$51.66
5mg30 tablets$53.53


1mg30 tablets$47.99
2mg30 tablets$49.96
3mg30 tablets$51.66
5mg30 tablets$53.53


1mg30 tablets$47.99
2mg30 tablets$49.96
3mg30 tablets$51.66
5mg30 tablets$53.53

Rite Aid

1mg30 tablets$70.00
2mg30 tablets$75.00
3mg30 tablets$73.00
5mg30 tablets$73.00


1mg30 tablets$47.99
2mg30 tablets$49.96
3mg30 tablets$51.66
5mg30 tablets$56.00


1mg30 tablets$52.02
2mg30 tablets$75.00
3mg30 tablets$55.77
5mg30 tablets$75.00


1mg30 tablets$48.67
2mg30 tablets$50.56
3mg30 tablets$52.20
5mg30 tablets$54.01

 Short-Term Side Effects

Coumadin-TrueMedCostCommon side effects of Coumadin intake include excessive bleeding, headache, bruising, blood in urine (hematuria), stomach pain, fever, rashes, nosebleeds, and purple toe syndrome. There have also been reports of dermatitis and hair loss, as well as liver damage although these are deemed to be rare. If symptoms persist, stop medication and seek the advice of your doctor.

Long-Term Side Effects

There have been studies linking Coumadin to long term side effects which include less urination, difficulty in breathing, flu, chest pains, and bloody stools, among others. As it is an anticoagulant, there have also been cases of excessive bleeding.

How It Works

What Coumadin does is decrease the coagulation of blood by acting as an inhibitor of a certain vitamin K1 enzyme, the function of which is said to contribute to the blood clotting process when it is recycled. As such, this drug is normally used to counter blocked blood vessels and slowdown in blood circulation which could consequently lead to coagulation. The intake of Coumadin is not recommended for pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, and individuals with kidney or liver diseases. A high vitamin K diet does not help.

Drug Interactions

Constant blood testing is often required to monitor the effects of Coumadin to the body. Use with antibiotics such as metronidazole, or anything that contains vitamin K1 is not recommended, as this reverses the result that the drug is trying to accomplish in the first place. Alcohol intake is not recommended during medication

Generic Alternatives

The generic name of Coumadin is Warfarin, also referred to as warfarin sodium. It is also traded under the brand names Jantoven, Marevan, Waran, Warfant, and Lawarin.

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