CombiPatch Price

CombiPatch is a prescription medication for the treatment of menopausal symptoms and hormone deficiencies like hot flashes, vaginal dryness and itching and night sweats. It is also given to younger women whose ovaries are not producing enough hormones, as well as women whose ovaries have been removed. It is a skin patch that is applied to the lower abdominal area twice a week.

CombiPatch is manufactured by Novartis Corporation. It contains the active ingredients estradiol and norethindrone. It is available in two strengths– .05/.014 mg and .05/.025 mg. CombiPatch can treat other symptoms of menopause like changes in the menstrual period including abnormal bleeding, urinary problems, mood changes, sudden increase in weight, thinning of the bones, and difficulty in concentrating. It can also prevent hair loss and address loss of libido among menopausal women.

CombiPatch Cost Information

The prices of CombiPatch differ depending on factors like the store that sells it and dosage. A package containing eight patches of .05mg/.025mg can sell anywhere from $70 to $80. Buyers can get it at a discounted price from online stores using appropriate discount codes.

Price Without Insurance

CVS Pharmacy

0.05mg/0.14mg4 patches$52.00
0.05mg/0.14mg8 patches$97.00
0.05mg/0.25mg8 patches$97.00


0.05mg/0.14mg4 patches$41.03
0.05mg/0.14mg8 patches$79.47
0.05mg/0.25mg8 patches$79.47


0.05mg/0.14mg4 patches$41.03
0.05mg/0.14mg8 patches$98.00
0.05mg/0.25mg8 patches$79.47


0.05mg/0.14mg4 patches$41.03
0.05mg/0.14mg8 patches$93.00
0.05mg/0.25mg8 patches$79.47

Rite Aid

0.05mg/0.14mg4 patches$42.41
0.05mg/0.14mg8 patches$111.00
0.05mg/0.25mg8 patches$116.00


0.05mg/0.14mg4 patches$41.03
0.05mg/0.14mg8 patches$84.00
0.05mg/0.25mg8 patches$79.47


0.05mg/0.14mg4 patches$44.91
0.05mg/0.14mg8 patches$91.00
0.05mg/0.25mg8 patches$101.00


0.05mg/0.14mg4 patches$43.66
0.05mg/0.14mg8 patches$79.00
0.05mg/0.25mg8 patches$78.90

Short-Term Side Effects

CombiPatchLike any other medicine, CombiPatch may cause side effects to its users. These side effects commonly occur a few days after taking this drug and stop once the body has grown accustomed to the medication. Some of the more common side effects experienced by women taking CombiPatch are breast pain, headaches, menstrual cramp, skin reaction at the area where the patch was placed, and runny nose. Others also complain of vaginal bleeding or spotting, back pain, stomach pain, flu-like symptoms like fever and chills, diarrhea, difficulty in breathing, weakness, nausea, sore throat and dizziness. Other side effects of CombiPatch are joint pain, nervousness, insomnia and acne.

Long-Term Side Effects

In rare instances, CombiPatch can lead to serious side effects. Chronic use of this drug can lead to long-term health problems such as breast cancer, ovarian cancer and uterine cancer. There are also increased risks of blood clots, heart attacks, stroke, dementia and gallbladder ailments.

How It Works

CombiPatch relies on estradiol, a predominant estrogen that is similar to the hormone produced by the body. By providing estradiol to a woman, CombiPatch is able to relieve the abovementioned menopausal symptoms. The other active ingredient of CombiPatch, norethindrone, is added to the mix since it lowers the risk of cancer of the lining of the uterus.


CombiPatch may interact with other medicines, increasing the risks of side effects or making it less effective in serving its purpose. These medicines that may interact with CombiPatch are barbiturates like Fioricet, Nembutal and Luminal and antibiotics such as Nizoral, Sporanox, Biaxin, Miconazole and Ketek. Likewise, certain anti-seizure drugs like Carbatrol, Trileptal and Dilantin may interact with CombiPatch.

Generic Alternatives

If CombiPatch is unavailable or the use of the medication causes significant side effects, other drugs containing estradiol and norethindrone may be used like oral tablets Activella, Angeliq, Femhrt, Premphase and Prempro, and the skin patch Climara Pro.

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