Best Ways of Treating Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder, formerly known as manic depression, is a mental medical condition that is characterized by sudden changes in mood swings ranging from lows reaching depression-like states to manic highs. This condition can affect everyone regardless of age, ethnicity or gender, and usually appears around young adulthood or adolescence.



The best way to treat bipolar disorder to learn what causes it. Although there is still a lot about the condition that is being studied, it’s a known fact that genetics plays a role,   so if someone in your family has this disorder it is more than likely that someone will develop it. Bipolar disorder is not preventable, but being able to detect the early signs will make the condition easier to manage. By recognizing the early signs of bipolar disorder you will be able to go to a doctor and get the appropriate treatment. Meaning, even if the disorder cannot be prevented medication will keep it from getting worse.


bipolar_TrueMedCostSymptoms of bipolar disorder can be divided into two states, depression and mania. The depressed state is marked by emotions such as sadness, feeling of worthlessness, helplessness and that everything is hopeless. Bipolar mania on the other hand, includes symptoms like excessive exuberance and elation. People afflicted with this condition may exhibit mixed episodes, that is, a full manic and depressive episode.

Other symptoms of bipolar disorder are extensive crying spells, feeling low, lonely and sad. Those suffering from this condition also have very low energy, slow of speech, have difficulty sleeping and cannot concentrate and the more extreme cases include suicidal thoughts. Symptoms of bipolar mania include an inflated sense of self-esteem, talks rapidly, impulsive, reckless, and suffer from delusions and hallucinations. Studies show that psychotic episodes occur frequently in bipolar mania, and due to its nature require immediate treatment.


One medication used to treat bipolar disorder is Lamotrigine, an anticonvulsant drug that can prevent mood swings by restoring balance in the brain. Before you take this drug, consult your doctor and read the patient leaflet first and ask your doctor any question about the medication you have in mind. Lamotrigine can be taken on a full or empty stomach, and due to their bitter taste should be swallowed whole. Dosage will vary among patients and is fully dependent on the condition of the individual, and it should be emphasized that instructions have to be followed strictly for the medication to work.

If you feel the need to increase dosage, consult your doctor, who will prescribe the exact amount that your body can absorb. Regardless of the dosage you have to consume, you need to take Lamotrigine on a regular basis. Besides medication, family counseling may also help. Due to the nature of bipolar disorder, it affects not just the individual but family members as well. In this case, counseling can help everyone recognize the symptoms and learn how to deal with the condition together. In addition, group counseling may also help in developing strategies to deal with the condition in the most efficient way possible.

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