Enbrel Price

Enbrel is used (sometimes in combination with methotrexate or another immunosuppressant) to treat psoriasis and certain types of arthritis. These conditions are the result of an overactive immune system, which causes the body to attack its own cells even though they are healthy. These attacks on healthy cells are the cause the inflammation on the skin and in the joints. Enbrel treats autoimmune diseases, but it does not cure them.

Stopping the medication usually causes the symptoms to reappear after a month. For many patients, the Enbrel price, even with all the risks, is less important than the relief the medicine brings. Patients take the medicine through injections.

Enbrel Cost Information

Many patients have discovered that the Enbrel prices can be almost as crippling as the arthritis the medicine is supposed to treat. A purchase of 4 vials may cost as much as $1200 or more, although the cost may be reimbursed by your health insurance. However, if you buy from abroad because the Enbrel cost there is lower, then it is possible that your insurance may not cover the purchase. Discuss the matter first with your insurance carrier. US citizens who also buy from abroad a 3-month supply at the most will also not be prosecuted by the US government.

Price Without Insurance

CVS Pharmacy

50mg1 sureclick$634.04
4 syringes 25mg1 carton$2,783.00
4 vials of 25mg1 kit$1,261.83


50mg1 sureclick$641.15
4 syringes 25mg1 carton$2,517.90
4 vials of 25mg1 kit$1,262.33


50mg1 sureclick$635.29
4 syringes 25mg1 carton$2,518.65
4 vials of 25mg1 kit$1,263.08


50mg1 sureclick$634.59
4 syringes 25mg1 carton$2,546.95
4 vials of 25mg1 kit$1,262.38

Rite Aid

50mg1 sureclick$647.40
4 syringes 25mg1 carton$3,036.00
4 vials of 25mg1 kit$1,287.39


50mg1 sureclick$637.99
4 syringes 25mg1 carton$2,530.22
4 vials of 25mg1 kit$1,268.74


50mg1 sureclick$647.40
4 syringes 25mg1 carton$3,917.00
4 vials of 25mg1 kit$1,289.29


50mg1 sureclick$629.07
4 syringes 25mg1 carton$2,501.27
4 vials of 25mg1 kit$1,253.13

Because the Enbrel price is so high (and because there’s too much risk if you get an inferior product), you need to verify that you are buying from a legitimate source. If you buy online, make sure that the online pharmacy is totally legit. The total Enbrel cost may reach $20K a year.

Side Effects Of Enbrel

You may experience some swelling, itching, redness, or pain a day or two after you’ve received the injection. These side effects should clear up in three to five days. You may experience some injection site reactions, but those should lessen in a month. You may also experience some headaches. If any of these side effects persist, you should inform your doctor as soon as possible.enbrelNot everyone experiences side effects, and many do not experience any at all. Nonetheless, the following side effects have been reported:

  • Allergic reactions.
  • Asthma or shortness of breath.
  • Bacterial, viral or fungal infections, which may sometimes be serious.
  • Bleeding from the gut.
  • Blood clot in a blood vessel (also known as pulmonary embolism or deep vein thrombosis).
  • Chest pain.
  • Confusion.
  • Lower levels of red blood cells, white blood cells or platelets in the blood.
  • Depression.
  • Fainting.
  • Fever.
  • Increased or decreased blood pressure.
  • Inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis).
  • Kidney problems.
  • Nerve disorders.
  • New or worsening heart failure.
  • Pins and needles or numb sensations.
  • Seizures.


Enbrel may not work properly, or the risk of side effects may be increased, when you use Enbrel while also taking other medications. Medicines and products that may interact with Enbrel include:

  • Live vaccines (such as measles, mumps, polio, rubella, typhoid, varicella, yellow fever),
  • Interleukin-1 blockers (such as anakinra, canakinumab, rilonacept),
  • Abatacept,
  • Other medications for autoimmune disease. These may include azathioprine, cyclophosphamide, and tofacitinib.

This list is not complete, so it is necessary for you to inform you doctor about any current medications you are currently taking before you take Enbrel. You should also refrain from taking any medications or supplements without discussing the matter with your doctor beforehand.

How Enbrel Works

Enbrel works by blocking the immune system so that it does not attack healthy cells. This means that you should avoid taking any vaccines while on Enbrel, and you should also avoid people who have recently taken vaccines. You should avoid people with infections as well. Your doctor must be informed about your medical history, especially if you have had a recurring infection in the past such as TB or Hepatitis-B. Your doctor should also be aware of any blood disorders like anemia or leukemia, heart failure, diabetes, cancer, a weakened bone marrow, seizures, any nervous system disorders like multiple sclerosis, alcoholic hepatitis, or vasculitis and other blood vessel conditions.

If you are doing the injections yourself at home, you need to know how to do this properly. You may have to mix the Enbrel with a diluent, and you also need to know how to mix and store them properly. Do not inject into tender, bruised, or hard skin, and do not inject into the same place twice in a row. If you miss a scheduled dose, call your doctor. If you overdose, get immediate medical attention.If you are in any way unsure, arrange to have the injections done in your doctor’s office.

Generic Alternatives

While there are currently no generic alternatives to Enbrel (Etanercept), in India a similar compound to Etanercept is currently being introduced as Etacept. Another drug called Pegsunercept is also a TNF receptor like Enbrel and is also being developed as a treatment for rheumatoid arthritis.

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