Nexium Price

If you are searching for information about Nexium price, understand that there are many things to look into. Knowing the Nexium cost is all well and good, but it is equally important to know about dosage, indications, and side effects before using it.
Primarily used to treat a medical condition known as gastric reflux, which occurs when the stomach’s acidic contents flow back into the gullet or esophagus due to the malfunction or damage of the muscle

(sphincter) between the esophagus and the stomach, Nexium is a proton-pump inhibitor, a group of pharmaceuticals said by experts to be the most potent inhibitors of acid secretions in the stomach. Nexium (generic name esomeprazole) reduces the amount of acid secreted in the stomach and used as a treatment for gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), esophagitis, duodenal and peptic ulcers, Zollinger-Ellison syndrome (overproduction of gastric acid increases the levels of the hormone called gastrin) and dyspepsia (caused by excessive consumption of foods with high fat or acid content).

nexiumWhen the stomach’s digestive acid comes into contact with the esophagus, it causes an irritation known as heartburn. When there is frequent and prolonged contact between the esophagus and gastric acid from the stomach, the esophagus could be permanently damaged. GERD that is left unattended eventually results in erosive esophagitis. In 2011, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the use of intravenous (IV) Nexium in children aged a month or more for treating GERD conditions with erosive esophagitis in cases when oral therapy is not possible or appropriate.

Afforable Treatment of Gastrointestinal Disorders

Nexium is also used in the prevention and treatment of peptic (damage to the lining of the stomach) and duodenal (damage to the upper intestine’s lining) ulcers caused by an over secretion of gastric acid. Existing damage to the stomach’ lining that have already resulted in ulcers are healed with Nexium’s preventive action against further occurrences of excessive gastric acid production.

Nexium Price and Dosage Information

Nexium comes in affordable dosages of 20mg and 40mg tablet preparations. The Nexium price for 20mg tablets are between $2.20 and $2.30 per tablet and the Nexium cost for 40mg tablets are between $3.15 and $3.20. It is usually taken an hour before meals and administered treatment lasts only between four and eight weeks. Further ingestion of Nexium after that period depends on what the doctor will decide, since those numbers of weeks are usually just the sufficient durations to heal or maintain damage done by gastric acid. Cases of overdose from Nexium indicate symptoms such as nausea, sweating, a dry mouth, shortness of breath, flushing, drowsiness and headaches. Major signs of an overdose include convulsions, body tremors, blurred vision and loss of motor coordination.

Price Without Insurance

CVS Pharmacy

20mg30 capsules$289.00
40mg30 capsules$286.00


20mg30 capsules$270.00
40mg30 capsules$270.00


20mg30 capsules$293.00
40mg30 capsules$272.00


20mg30 capsules$246.34
40mg30 capsules$295.00

Rite Aid

20mg30 capsules$293.00
40mg30 capsules$293.00


20mg30 capsules$281.00
40mg30 capsules$276.00


20mg30 capsules$277.00
40mg30 capsules$264.00


20mg30 capsules$240.89
40mg30 capsules$240.89

Overdose, Side Effects and Low Magnesium Levels

An overdose is not the same as a side effect. A side effect is something which occurs even when medication is properly administered. Skin rashes, tingling in the skin, flatulence, dizziness, vomiting, diarrhea, insomnia, dryness in the mouth and constipation are some of the reported side effects of Nexium. If you should experience any of these symptoms, it is best to consult a doctor for his or her expert opinion on whether or not the use of Nexium should be continued. However, there are several conditions which should be discussed with your doctor before you take Nexium.

Proton pump inhibitors like Nexium could affect bone conditions, and an increased risk in fracture of the spine, hip or wrist is likely for those who have been on the medication for a prolonged period or taken it at high dosages, and those who are 50 years of age and older and for those who have existing conditions of osteoporosis or low density of bone mineral (osteopenia). To ensure that your ingestion Nexium is safe, discuss with your doctor any conditions you might have of extreme liver disease of existing low magnesium content in your blood. Symptoms of low magnesium content in the blood include irregular heartbeat, seizures and chronic muscle spasms.

Medications Not to be Taken Simultaneously with Nexium

Before you start treatment with Nexium, it is advised that you discuss with your doctor all the other medications you are currently taking, including those which are considered over-the-counter, vitamins and minerals, prescription drugs and herbal supplements. If you are on any of the following medications listed below, it is strongly advised that a consultation with your doctor be made prior to starting any new medication, including Nexium:

  • Medications for treating HIV and AIDS such as saquinavir, etravirine and rilpivirine;
  • Digoxin;
  • Tacrolimus;
  • Methotrexate;
  • Cilostazol;
  • St. John’s wort;
  • Citalopram;
  • Voriconazole;
  • Diazepam (otherwise known as Valium);
  • Clopidogrel;
  • Rifampin; and
  • Dexamethasone.

Although the use of Nexium has not been reported to cause any severe conditions in the intestinal region, there have been isolated cases of diarrhea in hospitalized individuals who are on antibiotics associated with the bacterium known as C. difficile. Found on bedside table surfaces, door knobs, counters, sinks and bathrooms of hospitals, C. difficile organisms can spread between persons coming into contact with objects already contaminated. The drawback to the use of not only Nexium but other proton pump inhibitors as well is the rebound acid hypersecretion condition, wherein gastric acid reflux symptoms return with even more intensity than they did before treatment. If you experience former symptoms of the acid reflux which were supposed to have been eliminated after taking Nexium or any other proton pump inhibitors, such as diarrhea that seems to be persistent, severe abdominal pain, high fever, cramping, mucus or blood in your stool, inform your doctor immediately.

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